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Our Timeline

Currently, we are creating a draft of the plan based on the input we received from residents. We're sharing this draft with public again to get additional feedback. We'll use those comments to make revisions before drafting a final version of the plan. 

Spring 2022 – Listening: 

Establishing Vision and Topics


The City and our engagement partners are collecting community input and ideas to develop the plan’s key topics, visions, and goals. 

Fall 2022 – Creating:  Developing Recommendations


We will engage stakeholders to develop and refine goals, strategies and recommendations to address the topics identified in the listening phase. 

2023 & 2024 – Drafting and Reviewing:

Writing and Revising Plan 

We will engage stakeholders to provide feedback on a draft plan.

Phase 1: Listening

During the first phase, our goals included: 

  • Identifying priority topics for further study and exploration – the topics that matter most to residents today 

  • Defining equitable development – we heard that equitable development was of great importance to residents, and we wanted more input into what this term meant to Baltimore 

  • Developing vision statements – we wanted to work with residents to build vision statements for each of the themes in our plan 

Through 3 in-person open house events and engagement led by our Community Engagement Leadership team across Baltimore, we gathered public input and worked towards these goals.

For residents unable to attend in-person events, we also hosted an online Open House and offered a survey as a tool for submitting input. The survey also included questions about accountability - an important theme throughout public input that residents expressed concerns about.

Listening Phase materials and reports

During the second phase, our goals included: 

  • Generating recommendations for each priority topic identified during Phase 1

  • Adding recommendations to "a menu of potential recommendations" that will be released to the public for further refinement

  • Developing a tool for analyzing and prioritizing recommendations received, with equity at the forefront

  • Feeding recommendations into the plan draft document, to be written in 2023 and 2024

During this phase of engagement, the Department of Planning hosted geographic workshops around Baltimore between October - December 2022. At these workshops, the goal was to generate recommendations for each priority topic. The workshops were co-hosted collaboratively by Community Planners for each Planning District and members of the Community Engagement Leadership team.


Additional focus groups were organized as a means to reach residents less likely to attend our geographic events. These were led by members of our Community Engagement Leadership team and other partner organizations.


The public was also able to participate virtually and add their ideas via our Konveio platform. 

During the third phase, our goals include:

  • Drafting the full comprehensive plan

  • Ensuring that the public's comments and input are included in each part of the plan

  • Obtaining additional feedback on the draft plan from a range of stakeholders

During this phase of engagement, the Department of Planning worked collaboratively with other City agencies and key stakeholders to refine the recommendations based on public input and agency expertise. The Department of Planning also used this time to lead the drafting of the rest of the plan. The full draft plan is being made available for another round of public input through Konveio and a series of open houses around the City.

Please see the chart below to see the individual sections of the draft plan:

Phase 2: Creating

Phase 3: Drafting & Reviewing


Purpose of the Plan, Key Elements of the Plan, Planning Process, Vision Statement, History of Baltimore, Baltimore Today, Equity Framework, Regional Context, and Accountability and Implementation

Livable Communities: 

Equitable Neighborhood Development, Affordable Housing, Vacant Housing, Public Spaces and Placemaking, Historic Resources

Healthy Communities:

Environmental and Climate Justice, Trees and Forests, Neighborhood Cleanliness, Designing for Public Safety, Public Health Disparities Related to Extreme Heat

Area Planning:  

City-Managed Plans, Community-Managed Plans, Planning Efforts Reshaping our City

Planning for Growth and Retention: 

Planning for Growth and Retention, Housing Market Typology, Community Development Framework, Middle Neighborhoods, Impact Investment Areas, Green Network, Land Use Map, Transit Oriented Development Opportunities, New Residential Construction Opportunities, Major Redevelopments, and Infrastructure

Equitable Access: 

Transportation Equity, Food Access, Digital Access and Equity, Access to Parks and Open Space

Inclusive Economy:  

Small Business Ecosystem and Neighborhood Retail, Workforce Development, Freight Movement


List of Agency Plans, Glossary of Terms, Summary of Policy Recommendations

Other Plans

Contact Our Team

Stephanie Smith, Assistant Director:

Sara Paranilam: Chief, Policy & Data Analysis:

Comp. Plan Email:

The Advisory Council for Our Baltimore, consisting of a cross section of Baltimore residents, will help shape the Comprehensive Plan process. Please follow this link to learn more about the Advisory Council members.

2006 Plan Status
Contact Our Team
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